Q: What are the hours
A: Our regular days are Tues-Sat. We usually open between 6pm-9pm, depending on the event. Please check our calendar for more details.
Q: Where is it?
A: On Madison's east side, near the intersection of HWY 30 and East Washington. More info on our Location & Parking page.
Q. Is Crucible an accessible venue?
A: Yes! Crucible is all on one floor with no stairs or other barriers. There is a ramp to access the stage for performers. If you need other accommodation, such as a place to sit during a stand-up show, just get in touch with us!
Q: What kinds of events do you host?
A: A wide variety of live shows, dance nights, and dark / quirky events. Common events include dance/DJ nights, costume masquerades, rock shows, drag, and more!
Q: Are you hiring?
A: We're always interested in great staff. If you're interested in working at Crucible, fill out our Work form!
Q: I am a promoter and want to use your venue. Can I?
A: Of course! We love shows and can't plan everything ourselves. Please visit the Booking page and get in touch.
Q: Can I bring my underage / minor child to the venue?
A: All ages are allowed in the club with a legal guardian. You will be asked to present a student ID with matching surname or some other reasonable proof that the kid is yours. Guardians may purchase alcohol and give it to their minors but we will not serve directly to the minor.